Web development is one of the fastest growing industries. In fact, it's predicted to grow 13% until 2026.
The figure also shows that there's (and will) be a lot of work to follow. But do you have the skills to stand out in the competition and get the job of your dreams?
There are many skills you will need to develop and create successful websites. Here are the 7 most important web development skills you need!
As a web developer, you will need to understand the basics of coding and markup languages.
Of all markup languages, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard.
The actual HTML forms every web page on the Internet as we know it. How a website functions depends on how the developer writes the HTML.
But for your site to actually render as a web page, you'll rely on CSS.
The web development industry is taking off. Standards are growing higher and more rigid. And with that, there will be higher expectations for the websites you create and the customers you work for.
JavaScript will allow you to create a better experience for web users. With JavaScript, you can write special features directly to your web pages. These include (but are not limited to) a search bar, social media and video share buttons.
JavaScript complements HTML. Although HTML forms a basic web page, JavaScript gives it more life and functionality.
As a web developer, you'll want to know your way around Photoshop. It will not only make your life easier, but also help you perform better and faster.
You'll have a lot of fun to edit, design and stylize your website with Photoshop. You can even design some banners and logos for clients throughout your career.
But your Photoshop skills will extend far beyond appearance.
Once you master Photoshop, you won't just learn how to translate and design code. You will also create multiple website mockup.
So in other words, you'll be mainly using Photoshop for website planning.
Nearly 75 million websites operate on WordPress alone. That's over 25% of the internet altogether.
WordPress is a free content management system. It's also great for both beginners and for established web developers too.
It is relatively easy to use because you can edit and modify web pages, add plugins, and run error testing. There is also a Yoast feature that will help you with SEO.
You will want to develop your website building skills using other platforms. But WordPress is not just a standard but also a linchpin in the web development world.
5. Analytical skills
If your web developer skills are strong, you will create successful websites. But there is a marketing aspect for jobs that few people really understand.
Of course, the most successful websites are the most functional.
But consumer behavior is always changing. So your design, coding and development skills will always evolve to delight the ever-changing consumer.
Hence, web developers need a strong understanding of the consumer. Especially web consumers.
You will meet a wide range of audiences, niche markets and customers throughout your career. If you can understand your consumers as a whole, it will only help you create sales websites.
Know your audience
There are several ways to understand web consumers. But the most concrete way to understand them is to hone their online behavior.
And that's where web analytics tools come in.
Fortunately, there are many tools available in the market to help you collect web stats. For example, there are Google Analytics, MOZ Keyword Explorer, and SEMRush.
With statistics on the web, you will better understand your specific target audience. Web statistics will tell you which keywords users search for and how long they stay on your site.
It's access to the mind and interests of your target audience. And with all this knowledge, you can create more engaging websites.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the driving force of modern marketing.
Nowadays, websites need SEO to attract traffic and secure leads. Most modern consumers find products and services through online searches. Sites that do not implement SEO will not render high enough on search engine results pages.
Page upload speed, domain name reliability and keyword content are just some of the SEO skills web developers can (and should) learn.
Increase traffic to every website you create
Web developers can apply SEO to help their website rank better and attract more traffic.
More and more modern consumers are using their mobile devices to conduct searches online. In fact, almost 60% of online searches happen on mobile devices.
Now more than ever, the web needs to adapt to this trend.
When websites aren't compatible with mobile devices, they don't display or function properly. And when a website is down, web users often click and go to a competing website.
Create websites for optimal user experience
By learning responsive design, you can make your website mobile-compatible.
That way, web users will prefer your website. You will have satisfied customers. You will have a lower bounce rate. And you will have better SERPs rankings.
Become a master of web development skills
As technology advances, the web development industry will only grow exponentially.
There are web development jobs around the world. And by mastering these 7 skills, you can compete for the highest paying job!
Are you ready to explore the possibilities of a web development career?
To become a full-fledged web developer, take the PHP Fullstack course or Fullstack Java and Oracle Programming course today.
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